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How to Grow Your Business Using Online Courses: Creating Your Course
If you’re a coach – whether that’s a life coach, a business coach or a dog-training guru – you may find that you’ve reached a plateau with your...
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Hannah Warren
Dec 12, 2017 1:23:48 PM
Great, you've got people signed up to your Intuto online training course. Now you need to help them complete it – and hopefully enjoy it too.
Here are five tips to motivate e-learners:
The first interaction a learner will have with your e-learning course is the welcome email they receive when you enrol them in the course. For that reason, it’s important to get it right!
Intuto personalises emails it sends out to users on your behalf, using their names and content information, and includes clear, concise information about how they can get started. As you will be tracking their progress, you can follow up with emails either applauding their great progress or encouraging them when they slow down.
Make your communications positive and motivational. You can even send bulk encouragement emails from within your Intuto site.
Intuto allows you to personalise your training courses, so make the most of that by using your company logo, complementary colours and appealing images. If it's boring to look at, it will be boring to work on and will discourage study. In the same vein, also make it easy to use. Keep processes simple and logical, and make units bite-sized so they’re easy to digest.
Another reason to keep units small is that it helps learners feel as though they’re making progress. The first rule in successful goal setting is to set small, achievable goals rather than one large one. Regular achievements increase motivation and encourage learners to keep plugging away at their training. Use Intuto’s flexible unit sizes and numbers to create a program that keeps your learners’ motivation high.
If you can gamify your course, absolutely do it. Intuto’s detailed functionality allows you to add pop quizzes and create an element of competition, and you can use a variety of media to keep things interesting and motivate e-learners. It's easy to create and embed rich content created in H5P into your Intuto content. At the very least, keep the tone positive and the language simple and concise. Nothing turns learners off like pages and pages of dry text.
The way your business works may enable you to create a real-world reward system such as a poster board congratulating learners who complete or excel at a course. You may even be able to provide prizes such as gift cards or hours in lieu. If that’s not possible, consider emailing messages of congratulations. You can create Certificates in Intuto to be issued automatically when a user completes a Course Collection. The positive reinforcement will motivate e-learners to keep doing your courses.
To set up your own online training with Intuto, meet with us today.
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