2 min read

3 Great Features to Help Build Online Compliance Training with Intuto

Training managers used to (and still do) dream of an easier and more effective way to build and conduct compliance training. Well, their dreams have now come true with an innovative solution called Intuto! To help explain, let's look at 3 great features you can use to help easily build online compliance training with Intuto.

  1. Pre-Made TemplatesCompliance training does vary within different industries, yet there are common templates that can be used to help you start to create your own training modules. These could be specifically for: health and safety compliance, staff and contractor inductions, product updates, customer product knowledge, and more.

    The main benefit of starting with one of our templates is that managers involved in the creation of training, compliance, and even customer engagement, can now save time by simply modifying the pre-made templates to their requirements.

    Use these pre-made templates as a way to get ahead in the creation process, while still being able to change and tweak them later on by adding your own content. Your courses can also be branded to represent your company, so a custom look and feel can be attained - even from a template!

  2. Unlimited ModulesThis useful feature relieves managers from the pressure of having to pack too much information into one training module. Create bite-sized content that work for your unique business culture, then create each module accordingly.

    Having unlimited modules really fuels the creative fires, giving free rein to managers and creators to come up with innovative ideas to provide compliance training, employee connectivity, customer engagement, and practically any other training. One module can contain a video showing how to properly conduct a duty, while another can provide an article containing the company policy around that duty, and yet another can contain a PDF import showing workforce statistics in this duty area.

    With unlimited modules, businesses can relax with Intuto's flat fee pay structure, knowing there's no hidden fees in sight.

  3. Importing AbilityOur users find this is one of the most useful tools Intuto has to offer. This feature gives clients the ability to integrate files such as: PDFs, PowerPoints and spreadsheets as well as embed videos, voice narration and background music – all into a central and shareable training location. Intuto is in the cloud, so it can be accessed anytime, from any device, in your office or on the go!

    The importing feature Intuto provides gives managers the ability to transfer already compiled training materials over to Intuto. This comprehensive training and information hub can then be shared and accessed by: employees, vendors, customers, and even the entire online world.

These 3 features are just a few of the many ways in which Intuto makes compliance training and information sharing easier and more effective than ever before. We streamline the process of creating content by allowing you to bring your existing media into the system, then provide an easy way to share it to anyone you like. Basically, training managers' dreams have finally come true.

Intuto's office is located in Auckland, New Zealand, and we've helping business' deliver training for 14 years. We've been helping companies do business when clouds were white fluffy things in the sky. We've adapted to advancing technology, and have created a product with simplicity and convenience at the forefront. Don't take our word for it though, Signup for a free trial now and find out for yourself.


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