2 min read

March Release - Enrolment Management Updates

What's New?

You asked - and we've answered! The ability to archive course members is now here. This means you can archive participants who no longer need to view a course while still keeping their completion data in the course report. Another feature we're pleased to announce is that Course Editors will now have the ability to manage course enrolments and reports without being made an Admin or Editor over the entire site.

Archive Course Members

Site Admins can now archive users in a course if you no longer want the users to view the course but do not want to lose their completion data by removing them completely. This can be done through the Course Report page, and is as easy as selecting the users you wish to archive, then using the new Bulk Actions button to Archive these users.

archive coursemembers screenshot how-to

One important factor to note however, is if a course that is part of a collection has been archived before the user completes it, the user will not be able to complete that collection. If you've made a mistake - don't worry! Users can be successfully Unarchived and still retain their completion data - or choose the option to have them re-sit the course. Full instructions for the new Archive function are found on our support page.

What will the user see?

If a user has been archived in a course, the course will no longer appear on their content page when viewing by course.

However, if the course is part of a collection the user is enrolled in, the user will see the course in the collection as Archived with a note advising the enrolment has been archived:

archiving what the user sees

Course Editors

If you would like to give someone access to one course but not to your whole Intuto site, you can add them as an Editor to that specific course. In this latest release, Course Editors now have the power to access and manage reports and enrolments for their courses - including resetting completion data and expiring enrolments. For more information on how to make a user a Course Editor, see our support article.

Renewing Enrolments

Site Admin, Editors and Course Editors can now renew course enrolments through the Bulk Actions button within the Course Report. Renewing a user's course status will mean their completion is expired and their course will need to be done again to keep their completion current.

We've also made some changes so that participants viewing a course will be notified if their enrolment has been renewed while they are viewing the course. This helps to prevent any confusion around renewal time.

Site Register Page

We've also been busy perfecting our site registration page for new users. We've improved validation and simplified the registration process for users when registering into content. 

Bulk Uploads

Large scale enrolments require large scale solutions - so we've increased the maximum rows for a Bulk Upload via CSV file. 

More Improvements

One small annoyance for some users was the need to hard-reload after one of our releases as a result of the update. We've improved the cache management to avoid this, ensuring you have a seamless transition into our new features.  

We've also improved visibility on the left-hand menu when viewing a course by changing the hover colour so you can clearly see where you're clicking.

Additional Updates - Bug Fixes and Polishing

Each month we try to add new functionality and tools for our customers, but just as important is improving what we currently have. We've completed a lot of minor fixes and developments which should improve your experience in Intuto. See the full release notes here: https://www.intuto.com/release-notes

Not working as expected?

As a result of the update, some of you may find that when you next login, the page doesn't load perfectly or it comes up looking blank. If this happens, just refresh your browser and it will go back to looking normal. We recommend performing a hard reload using the following instructions for your browser.

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