Compliance training: What is the best solution?
Compliance training is essentially the process of educating new and existing employees on rules, regulations and policies that apply to their job...
I have always enjoyed learning new things, especially in education, so I was very lucky to fall into the perfect role 16 years ago when I came back from my OE. I started at a very small company with a huge vision, and I have been here ever since! Many of my colleagues from university now work in big organisations with pinball, table tennis and even slides - but I wouldn’t change my career path for anything (well maybe Craig Walker’s role) - because eLearning feels good.
Back when I started in eLearning, online education was very different, but one thing that has been consistent is that the technology is always changing, with better and more interesting ways to deliver content in engaging, fun ways. Our system has been rebuilt from the ground up at least 8 times, ensuring we have stayed current with the ever changing needs in eLearning.
Our tech stack, development methodologies and sales methodologies at Intuto have also evolved throughout the years. We started with writing inline code inside HTML using ASP classic with paper and spreadsheets for tracking requirements and progress. Now we use the right tools for the right job, including Helpscout (customer ticket tracking), Jira (dev project tracking), Hubspot (marketing) and a mash up of project management methodologies from basecamp, lo-fi prototyping, and agile.
One of the great things about the current eLearning market is that there are now a lot more players, creating awareness across industries that would not have even thought of eLearning 2 years ago. This is shown by the 25 odd industries Intuto now works across.
While not all training can (or should) be moved to an online format, a lot of the basic concepts of most training can benefit from eLearning. For example, we find most customers have training manuals that get printed and given to every staff member. These cost a lot on paper and require many trees to be chopped down and therefore have a real cost on our planet.
E-Learning allows the content to be available from almost anywhere, saves on printing, makes the content more interactive and allows for tracking to ensure it is read and understood. This potentially saves lives (as the content often covers health and safety) and certainly saves trees.
Just within the last two years, Intuto has saved around 6 million pages from being printed, around $900k in printing costs and saved the equivalent of around 715 trees. This is good for everyone - especially the planet.
Working in an industry that ultimately helps share knowledge, up-skill people and often ensures safety is a really nice thing to think about everyday.
As an environmentally conscious company, we have also implemented compost bins in the office, the ability for staff to work from home, compostable delivery bags for the passes we send out after course completion, and reusable takeaway coffee cups. This is just a start, and we are coming up with more initiatives all the time.
Want to know more about how Intuto can help you with your training?
Compliance training is essentially the process of educating new and existing employees on rules, regulations and policies that apply to their job...
When Besafe Training Ltd were looking to develop and grow their online training offerings, Intuto’s simplicity made them an attractive choice.
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