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How to organise events online with training courses made with Intuto

How to organise events online with training courses made with Intuto

Organising an event of any size is a challenge, and can be extremely stressful. There are a thousand things to think about: not least of which is managing a team of volunteers and workers. To take the stress out of the experience, it’s easier to organise events online with Intuto.

Any event – from a marathon to a school camp – is going to require a team of helpers and, a way to manage them. Popular methods include mail chains, phone trees, orientation packets, but these are all cumbersome and flawed.

As discussed here (link to training volunteers blog), a more efficient way to organise events online is to create an Intuto training module to manage your team of volunteers or workers. Encompassing orientation, training, information packages and even tickets, this is the simplest and most efficient way to get your team ready to go on the big day.

Here are some great ways to get the most out of your Intuto courses to organise events online:

  • Include video: Start off your training program with a welcome video. You may also want to include footage of previous events, demonstrations of safety protocol, or even language tips in the case of international events.
  • Embed maps: Give your workers maps in the palm of their hands by uploading them to your course. Not only can people study them in advance, but on the big day, it will help to have access to them on their smartphones via the course.
  • Add event info: You’ll probably have sent all of this by email, but having all the details in one, easy-to-navigate course will avoid crossed wires and mixed messages. The event date, time, location and organisers’ names, among other things, can all be included in your course so they’re at your workers’ fingertips any time.
  • Send access codes: In the event that volunteers need access passes or barcodes to enter the event on the day, it’s much easier to just add these to your training course than send out emails or hard copies.
  • Give them a checklist: With all of the things you have to manage in the lead up to the event and on the day itself, you don’t also want to be micromanaging your volunteers. Make it easier for them – and yourself! – by including a detailed checklist as part of the training course. Will they need cash? Particular shoes? Photo ID? Include all the details; it’ll make everything easier on the day. Organised volunteers? Check.
  • Share the itinerary: Everything runs much more smoothly when everyone knows what’s happening when. You can give your volunteers the itinerary down to the minute so there is no confusion, and they can double check at any time on their smartphone or tablet.
  • Get specific: If you have discrete jobs, you can even create different courses for each one. This helps keeps roles and responsibilities clear for volunteers by eliminating unnecessary or conflicting information.
  • Give them a crash course: Make sure all your volunteers are on top of their OHS responsibilities and the protocols in case of accident, injury or emergency. Include information about first aid skills, no-access areas, emergency contacts and safety tips. Be sure they’re up to speed by including a test as part of their training course.

To make it even easier, we’ve created templates especially for events, so all you need to do is fill in your information and hit go.

With Intuto’s range of subscription options, it’s easy to organise events online, no matter the size or scope.

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