What Is Online Learning?
Online training also sometimes referred to as elearning is a fast growing industry that’s becoming increasingly popular with businesses of all sizes, especially with more affordable computers and faster, more accessible internet access.

What You Need To Know About Online Learning
Nowadays with the use of a good elearning tool, training can be delivered virtually anywhere. Online training offers the ability to incorporate material from all kinds of formats such as videos, slideshows, word documents, and PDFs.
There are many different elearning systems (otherwise known as Learning Management Systems, or LMSs for short) available. Each caters to slightly different audiences and training needs so it’s vital that you have a good understanding of what’s important to you in your training, what your budget is and what you’re trying to achieve.
Make sure your message is consistent by ensuring all users complete the same courses content.
Training content can and should be updated regularly to give staff the very latest information ensuring that they are able to perform to their best. This is where online training excels as a tool. Updates can be developed and deployed quickly and efficiently with staff compliance easily monitored and reported in real time giving you peace of mind.
With the right platform, administration processes can be almost completely automated including testing knowledge and providing learning pathways among other things. Online training should be an affordable solution which provides your learners with the ability to fit training around their lifestyles or the requirements of their employment, allowing even the busiest person to keep up with training and compliance.
Traditional training is often expensive, takes a long time and the results can vary. Online training can offer an alternative that is much faster, cheaper and potentially more effective.

Frequently Asked Questions
We know that if we spend time up front helping you get quality content online, we'll be adding real value to your organisation. We're in this for the long game and are excited about strong longterm partnerships.
It doesn't have to be. If you find the right tool for the job you can create and update your online content quickly.
Once set up, you will save a fortune on delivery when compared to face-to-face.
No. Certain LMSs have been created for tertiary education, others for large corporates and some for specific industries.
Intuto has been developed to be easy to use, with a focus on allowing customers to create, share and track content easily.