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Building a Resilient Organisation: Managing Stress in Associations

Building a Resilient Organisation: Managing Stress in Associations

Associations face a unique set of challenges that can contribute to significant stress levels. Heavy workloads, tight deadlines, financial pressures and the pressure to meet member expectations are just a few of the common stressors.

While it's tempting to prioritise quotas and generating income, neglecting to address workplace stress can have significant consequences. According to Gallup, employees who experience burnout are 63% more likely to take a sick day! Unmitigated stress decreases productivity, damages morale, and even threatens the long-term viability of an association. 

To ensure continued success, building resilience and mastering stress management techniques are essential.

What is stress?

Stress is a natural physiological response to threat or danger. While the threats we face today may not be as immediate as those encountered by our ancestors, the human body's stress response remains largely unchanged. Modern stressors, such as looming deadlines, client pressure, and strained workplace relationships, can trigger the same cascade as when faced with a sabre-toothed tiger. 

When confronted with perceived threats, our bodies release hormones and chemicals that prepare us for fight-or-flight. While this mechanism is beneficial in the short term, chronic stress can have detrimental effects on our physical and mental well-being.

Recognising stress in staff members

When employees experience chronic stress, it can result in high turnover rates, absenteeism, and a decline in the quality of work. Recognising these impacts is the first step toward implementing effective stress management strategies.

Here are some common indicators to watch for:

  • Decrease in productivity, missing deadlines, making more mistakes
  • Frequent lateness or days off
  • Changes in attitude and mood such as irritability, frustration, or apathy
  • Difficulty concentrating, struggling to focus or complete tasks
  • Social withdrawal, isolating oneself from colleagues or social activities
  • Persistent fatigue, changes in eating habits and increase in physical complaints (i.e. headaches, body aches, illness)

What can we do about it?


1. Identify and address the common stressors

To address stress properly, first you need to find out the sources behind it for staff and members. Conduct surveys to gain insights into their experiences and identify the most challenging aspects of their work. There are templates online to get you started, such as the Employee Pulse template from SurveyMonkey

Be prepared to hear honest feedback, even if it reveals uncomfortable truths. By understanding the specific stressors your team faces, you can develop targeted strategies to mitigate their impact. Common stressors to association staff include:

  • Heavy workloads, tight deadlines, and the constant pressure to meet member expectations can contribute to burnout and decreased job satisfaction
  • Financial constraints and limited resources can restrict the ability to provide adequate support and resources
  • Technological changes and adapting to new systems can be overwhelming and time-consuming
  • Staff or member conflict, communication breakdowns, or a lack of support from colleagues can contribute to stress.

2. Build a supportive organisational culture

A supportive organisational culture is built on open communication, work-life balance, and teamwork. Leaders should create an environment where employees feel safe to speak up and seek support. 

Engaging staff in decision-making and recognising their contributions enhances their sense of belonging and contributes to a more resilient organisation.

3. Implement stress management initiatives

To create a healthier and more productive workplace, consider implementing stress management programs tailored to your specific team. These programs might include workshops on time management, mindfulness practices, and coping strategies.  

Wellness initiatives can also make a big difference. Encourage your team to participate in fitness challenges or take mental health days. Providing access to counselling services shows your commitment to their overall well-being. 

Investing in these initiatives helps create a supportive environment where your employees can manage stress effectively and thrive. After all, companies investing in resilience and stress management training saw a 17.1% increase in overall resilience ratios, and a 50% decrease in people at risk!

Measuring resilience: assessing stress management long-term

To gauge how well your stress management initiatives are working, you’ll need to keep an eye on some key indicators. Think of it as performing a regular health check-up. Here are some metrics to measure:

  1. Employee satisfaction - are your team members happy and engaged?
  2. Retention rates - are people sticking around, or heading for the exit?
  3. Productivity levels - is work getting done efficiently, or are stress levels slowing things down?

One of the best ways to gather this information is through surveys and feedback channels. These tools can offer valuable insights straight from your team. Below are some free survey templates to get you started:

By regularly checking in and gathering feedback, you can fine-tune your approach to stress management. This ongoing process helps create a work environment that's not just surviving, but thriving.

Remember, building a resilient workplace culture is a marathon - not a sprint. Keep at it, and you'll see the results in happier, more productive teams that stay for the long haul.

Building Resilience & Mastering Stress: The Association Academy’s solution

Want to learn more about building resilience and mastering stress? Intuto has developed a course designed to equip your staff and members with the tools they need to navigate challenges and thrive. Building Resilience & Mastering Stress provides education and practical strategies to enhance your ability to manage stress effectively.

Intuto understands the challenges many associations face in launching a new initiative (resourcing, investment in infrastructure, tech expertise, board approval, and so on). Intuto, via The Association Academy, has taken care of these challenges allowing associations to get going with no set up cost, ongoing license fees or any other hidden fees. The model is one of shared revenue on course sales - providing associations with a bonus non-dues revenue stream!

Earn 30% from every paid course your members invest in, at no cost to you. Build confidence in becoming an education provider for your members without the risk. Meet with us to start your journey toward a more resilient and balanced workplace. Because when you invest in well-being, everyone benefits!

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