March Release - Enrolment Management Updates
What's New? You asked - and we've answered! The ability to archive course members is now here. This means you can archive participants who no longer...
We've eagerly anticipated this month's release with new and exciting features around Course Reports. You can now implement Bulk Actions to allow management of users within a course, and Course Reminder Emails have been rebuilt into the Bulk Actions menu. We've also been busy improving the site behind the scenes so that the results now load on scroll with better implementation of Select All results.
What we're most excited about is that Course Reports can now be filtered by Role, Group Membership and Collection Membership status - making your course reporting much easier to customise.
The main feature included in this release is that there is now a Bulk Actions button on the report:
Reminder emails and removing users can be actioned from the bottom part of the report where you see the list of users. Here you can easily select the users you wish to send reminder emails to, change roles or remove from the course completely - and choose it from the Bulk Actions drop-down menu:
This release also includes more options to filter the Course Reports. As well as the existing Status and Date options you now have the ability to filter reports by Role, Group and Collection by clicking the More button:
Reminder emails can now be sent out to a list of users straight from the bottom of the Course Report page. Simply select the users you wish to send a reminder to, click the Bulk Actions button and select Send Reminders. Utilising the filter options means you can curate a list of users from a specific Group, users who last accessed before a certain date, or who need to complete a Collection. Then you can send a reminder email to these specific users rather than combing through a potentially large list of participants to select a certain few.
This new feature will help to avoid situations where participants who do not necessarily need a reminder are sent emails, allowing you to avoid confusion or repeated notifications for your learners.
Each month we try to add new functionality and tools for our customers, but just as important is improving what we currently have. We've completed a lot of minor fixes and developments which should improve your experience in Intuto. See the full release notes here:
As a result of the update, some of you may find that when you next login, the page doesn't load perfectly or it comes up looking blank. If this happens, just refresh your browser and it will go back to looking normal. We recommend performing a hard reload using the following instructions for your browser.
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What's New? You asked - and we've answered! The ability to archive course members is now here. This means you can archive participants who no longer...
Welcome to the first Intuto update of 2018! Over the break we have been busy improving and adding to the Intuto Reports, building the ability to...