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Intuto and Medtech - A Perfect Match

Intuto and Medtech - A Perfect Match

Industries across the board are making the jump from traditional training methods such as face-to-face sessions and in-house training PDFs to online training solutions with Intuto. The post-pandemic world we live in has cemented distance communication in everyday life for many of us, and online training is another logical extension of the work-from-home movement. It is an effective and convenient way to make your content accessible, interesting, and easy to update.

The Medtech Industry and its associated training challenges

Medtech is any non-pharmaceutical technology that is used in the medical industry. It can range from low-tech items such as butterfly clips and compression bandages to cutting edge innovations such as laser scalpels and AI symptom-checking chatbots. The Medtech industry is expanding and evolving at an incredible rate, with new devices and apps coming out daily. Health professionals are expected to stay up-to-date with the latest innovations and procedures, but training in these areas takes time that these busy workers cannot afford to spare. Health practitioners also often have unpredictable schedules and may work at multiple locations, making group training sessions difficult to organise effectively.

Good training in Medtech is crucial to running a safe, patient-centred practice. Health practitioners need to understand a machine’s purpose, how to use it effectively on a variety of patients, and will occasionally need basic troubleshooting and maintenance skills as well. A vendor demonstration or single in-person tutorial may not be able to cover all the aspects of a device that a health practitioner will need to use in the clinic. A comprehensive online training programme with Intuto will be a resource that your staff can access on demand, containing all the information they might need at the touch of a finger.

Why convert from a traditional training portfolio to online training?

Some members of the health industry have already been calling for an updated, creative solution to address the known issues with traditional training methods, such as a lack of training provided by manufacturers, a lack of time, a lack of content, and a lack of evaluation of learning. Intuto’s online training platforms are the creative solution the health industry has been waiting for, and here’s why:

  • Time and cost savings: You only need to create your training content once. There’s no longer a need to organise in-person training sessions with busy shift-workers and teams across multiple sites.
  • Accessibility and convenience: Wherever there’s Internet, there’s online training. Simple as that. Health practitioners can fit in online training as and when and when they are able to do so.
  • Reduced patient risk: Thorough training on medical devices will reduce user error and ensure that your staff understand the purpose, correct use, and limitations of each piece of equipment. This will help guarantee that patients are getting the best, most efficient, and up-to-date care possible.
  • Streamlined, up-to-date content: Because YOU are in control of your own content, you can update your training sessions as often as necessary, allowing you to instantly provide your staff or clients with revised content or product recalls/notifications as they occur. Converting your existing content provides a perfect opportunity to review, revise, and update it – no more clunky, wordy, outdated PDFs to scroll through.
  • Standardisation/consistency across the organisation: When each staff member has equity of access to high-quality information and informative training sessions, you can ensure that everyone in your team can uphold the same standard of excellence for their patients.
  • Built-in competency checks: With our online platform, it is easy to create assessments to ensure your staff are qualified to use their equipment safely and confidently in any situation that may arise.
  • Travel minimisation: There will no longer be a need for someone to travel around conducting the same training session repeatedly at different locations, or for health practitioners to waste their valuable time sitting in traffic trying to get to an on-site training session.
  • Pandemic-proof: No more in-person training sessions cancelled due to a Covid outbreak.

Laboratory with test tubes and other medical devices

What does Intuto bring to the table?

Intuto is the market leader in digitising healthcare training solutions, and we have been at the forefront of e-learning since the early 2000s. Our experienced, friendly team will work with you to determine exactly what kind of online training programme you require. Whether you want to design your own online training programme from scratch or send us your existing content for conversion by our skilled Content-Loading Team, we promise you a simple, low-cost, flexible solution. 

An Intuto/MedTech success story

Still need more convincing? K4Connect is an award-winning tech startup dedicated to serving and empowering the disabled and elderly through the creative use of integrative technology. Intuto recently partnered with them to convert their traditional in-house training manuals to an interactive, engaging online training portfolio. As a result, K4Connect’s registrations have increased a whopping 172.9% so far in 2021. This could be you – meet with us today, we would love to get you started!

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